The Performing Arts Center hosted the show "La Gota Viajera", dedicated to children, sponsored by Hidrogea and with the collaboration of the Torre Pacheco City Council.
Antonio León, Acting Mayor of the City Council of Torre Pacheco, accompanied by Manuel Terry, head of Hidrogea, welcomed the elementary students who attended the representation on Tuesday, June 11.
The components of the theater company "Funny Science", represented interactively the play "La Gota Viajera".
The team of scientific reporters and the most involved are involved in a new adventure: the recording of a documentary about water knowledge.
With their special recycling camera they try to start their mission, but they realize that children need a master class before filming.
Thus began their crazy experiments interacting with the public.
The children realized the importance of this good of nature and become aware of the need for the collaboration of citizens to preserve our environment ... and all spiced with great doses of humor.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco