The City of Torre Pacheco yesterday held a Local Government Board in which a motion was passed by Mayor Antonio León, in which the Council of Ministers is requested "the declaration as soon as possible, area severely affected by a civil protection emergency, in accordance with Law 17/2015, of July 9, so that the damages caused by this cold drop, which has seriously affected our municipality can receive the necessary aid and investments for repair and prevention works that must be undertaken urgently ".
The motion states "to request the Government of the Region of Murcia and the Government of Spain to carry out all actions within their reach to ensure that the European Union is actively involved, allocating funds for all reconstruction, repair and necessary prevention.
The motion classifies the recent floods as one of the most serious lived in our municipality, pointing out that "for the first time in our Autonomous Community, a warning of red level (of maximum alert) by meteorological phenomena was decreed by the State Meteorological Agency unfortunately, having unfortunately fulfilled the forecasts made with a historical record of rainfall ".
The mayor highlighted the work of all who have assisted in this crisis: "Civil Guard, Local Police, Firefighters, Health Emergency Services, Civil Protection Volunteers, AMPAs, cultural associations, sports clubs, party commissions, companies, farmers , volunteers from outside the municipality and, in general, to all the residents of Torre Pacheco who have demonstrated their generosity and collaboration with those who needed it most. "
They have also had a "specific mention of the essential and very important work that the media have developed, highlighting their impeccable work to keep the population informed in real time, transmitting the notices and updating of data necessary for the normal development of the crisis , as well as service 112, AEMET and the different administrations that have collaborated. "
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco