Yesterday was published in the BORM the announcement of the call and opening of applications for waiting lists for the award of Housing for Public Promotion under rental regime in the City of Torre Pacheco.
The applications, as well as the necessary requirements and documents required to qualify for the call will be provided in the Department of Social Services and Immigration in Avenida Europa 2A, as well as in the transparency portal of this City Council.
Among the requirements to qualify for the call are to be of age or emancipated minor, reside in the municipality of Torre Pacheco at least three consecutive years and prior to the date of the call, not exceed the income according to the criteria of the call and accredit the housing need
In order to respond to all requests from the residents of Torre Pacheco, the opening hours of the Housing Office located in the Social Services of the City of Torre Pacheco will be extended to report any questions in the process.
The days of attention will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the morning from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
In the words of Councilwoman María José López Fernández, "with this call opens the possibility of normalizing the situation suffered by some of the families of our municipality, we are convinced that more resources are needed and we will continue working to expand the offer"
The deadline for submitting applications will be one month from the day following the date of publication in the BORM, ending that period on April 3, 2020.
Source: Concejalía Servicios Sociales e Inmigración