| Torre Pacheco City Council obtains the Infoparticipa Quality Seal, awarded by the Autonomous University of Barcelona | As explained by the councilor for Citizen Participation and Transparency, Valentina López, promoting the culture of transparency and improving access to municipal information by the residents of Torre Pacheco was a challenge and an objective of the council and the team government as a whole because only when the citizen has access to public information can we really talk about citizen participation and accountability.In recognition of the work being carried out by the City Council in this area, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ??through the Journalism and Communication Laboratory for Plural Citizenship of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, has highly valued the efforts made, giving Torre Pacheco a score of 91 points in the InfoParticipa index, which measures the quality and transparency of public communication to monitor the actions of those responsible for local governments and accountability.This index rewards not only the making available of the information, but that it is done in an intuitive and accessible way for easy understanding.
Thus, by verifying 48 indicators, the information provided on the elected officials, or on government agreements, on the management of economic resources, on hiring, subsidies, municipal regulations or on tools has been assessed.
for citizen participation.The results of the study carried out represent an improvement of more than 30 points over the evaluation of the previous year.
All data and indicators are available on the web: https://www.mapainfoparticipa.com/index/mapa/On the other hand, according to Valentina López, from the Department of Citizen Participation and Transparency, the work of promoting citizen participation continues, both at the level of associations and at the individual level, through public, sectorial consultations, in the case of minors, as well as through the youth participatory budget of Torre Pacheco, which resumes the process electronically while the physical distancing measures caused by the health crisis are not lifted.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco