| Warns of the difficulty of control due to the great affectation in agricultural areas | The City Council will inform the General Directorate of Environmental Health of the Region of Murcia of the increase in this pest in the fields adjacent to the urban area.As a consequence of the rains that have fallen throughout the Region of Murcia in recent weeks, there has been a great increase in vegetation on lots, road margins, agricultural farms, waterways, etc.
This due to the increase in temperatures of the last days, has produced a significant advance in time of insects and especially of mosquitoes.The City Council is prioritizing larvicidal treatments to prevent the emergence of mosquitoes in the sewer scupper network, in municipal swimming pools and in areas flooded with river bed channels and plans to continue with adulticidal treatments in areas where levels are detected abnormal adult mosquitoes, being the preferential sites the laterals and areas attached to river beds, areas attached to public pools, public gardens with great vegetation, etc.The Councilor for the Environment and Heritage, José Vera, has indicated that "these treatments will be done at dawn to generate the least discomfort in the neighbors as well as maximize their effectiveness.
The very fact of doing them at dawn prevents the presence of all personnel outside the company in the areas to be treated.
"Regarding the use of the spaces after the treatments, Vera has pointed out that "it is totally safe due to the low toxicity of the products used, but in the event that for any reason, it was recommended not to enter any area in the first hours of The following day, this will be completely marked out to warn the population.
"Therefore, it is recalled that for all mosquitoes and in the special case of the tiger mosquito, the accumulations of water in the dishes of pots, gutters or buckets, are areas very prone to laying eggs.It is recommended that citizens check their homes and drain any accumulations of water that may have been produced to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes, as well as warn of other major accumulations of water in public areas and how many incidents the citizen observes by calling 968 57 71.
08, entering www.lineaverdetorrepacheco.com or the Green Line App.In the case of houses, it is also advisable to tightly cover the containers that cannot be emptied or turn upside down all those that are outdoors to avoid accumulation in future rains, as well as keeping the pools clean and properly chlorinated.In case of owning a home in the municipality of Torre Pacheco and not being able to attend to the recommendations indicated above due to the impossibility of moving around due to the state of alarm, please contact them also to study the best way to proceed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco