The Councilor for Finance and Communication, Carlos López, has been elected a member of the Commission for Integration and Social Cohesion of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, made up of 24 municipal representatives - mayors and councilors - from different municipalities in Spain.The Commission is a sectoral working body of the FEMP Governing Board, which aims to formulate studies and proposals on immigration, management of asylum and citizenship policies, fight against unequal treatment, attention to the social emergency and crisis humanitarian, as well as on inclusion policies in a transversal way.The Commission, which has been held electronically, has been constitutive in order to outline the body's lines of work for the next legislature.
The Councilor for Finance, Carlos López, stressed that "it is the first time that Torre Pacheco participates in an organ of the FEMP, which is the voice of the Municipalities vis-à-vis the regional and central administrations, and the best space where to propose political alternatives for the management of municipal affairs ".In this sense, López has indicated that "Torre Pacheco can contribute his experience in managing migration in the last 30 years, as well as proposing measures that contribute to improving the resources and possibilities of the City Councils to face this important demographic challenge" .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco