The City Council of Torre Pacheco has canceled the next edition of the Summer School due to the current circumstances generated by the evolution of COVID-19."This decision has been adopted as a preventive, organizational measure and in order to promote social distancing measures between boys and girls," said Councilor for Equality Verónica Martínez.Thus, he pointed out that the Summer School, scheduled for July 2020, has been canceled after analyzing the current scenario caused by the health emergency.
From the City Council, it is understood that there are no circumstances that make it possible to maintain the calendar of this activity as it had been designed.The councilor has indicated that work is underway at the Christmas School 2020/2021 and analyzing some proposals, so that whenever the health recommendations allow it, the activity can proceed normally.In the words of the Councilor for Equality, Verónica Martínez "Prudence and responsibility are what must prevail in any decision at the moment.
It has been decided to suspend the Summer School scheduled for July in order to avoid situations of personal contact, for us the sanitary criteria has prevailed since all of us are concerned with the control of this situation and for this reason, it has been considered inadvisable to hold the summer school this year ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco