Today we know that another key piece of the STV Roldán pachequero project renews with the Club for the 2020/2021 season, it is the 21-year-old Angela Gorriz.The yeclana that occupies the pivot demarcation, has also been used in recent seasons by its different coaches as a closure due to the needs of the squad, although it is true that where it is most comfortable is being the spearhead of the Pacheco attack.Despite her youth, the player has been international with the absolute Spanish team, having been proclaimed champion of the Moscow International Tournament with La Roja two seasons ago.Angela continues to be very excited and grateful in the pachequero project, which according to her words, deserves her continuity in the Club for the commitment they made years ago for her and who has no other way to compensate her, which is to continue defending her colors.
Source: STV Roldán