| A nominal grant amounting to 40,000 euros | The mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio León Garre and the president of COEC Torre Pacheco, Julián Pedreño Fernández-Henarejos signed on Friday the collaboration agreement to defray the expenses caused by the development of advisory, training, promotion, dynamization and digitization activities of the business sector, with preference to the commercial and hospitality sectors of the municipality of Torre Pacheco and its surroundings belonging to the Comarca del Campo de Cartagena, carried out during the year 2020.The City Council of Torre Pacheco, and due to the situation derived from the health crisis, has increased the subsidy to FAETPA-COEC from 15,000 euros in 2019, to 40,000 euros for this year 2020, support for the business sector and the hospitality industry, so affected by COVID-19.
The City Council is currently working to help alleviate the effects that are being reflected in the municipal business fabric, with various actions, reflected in the Torre Pacheco Reactive Plan.This agreement contemplates participation in activities to promote local commerce and hospitality; organization of activities to stimulate, promote and support the business and economic sector of Torre Pacheco, carrying out training activities aimed at improving training, updating and professionalizing the municipality's business sector, as well as conducting reports and studies.Prior to signing the agreement, the mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio León, the councilor for Commerce, Yolanda Castaño, Carlos López, councilor for Finance, the president of FAETPA-COEC TP, Julian Pedreño and the secretary of the Association, Felipe Guillén , They held a meeting in which they evaluated the results of the Reactive Plan, launched by the City Council to boost the business fabric of the municipality.The Mayor has valued the collaboration between the City Council and COEC, essential for the improvement in the economic and social development of the municipality, as well as to contribute to the business development of our town, especially at this time due to the health crisis we are experiencing, stressing that it is everyone's task, and reiterating once again the importance of respecting and complying with health recommendations.For his part, the president of COEC thanked the City Council for its subsidy, as well as its collaboration in all the activities and events organized by businessmen and hoteliers, valuing the institution's involvement in reviving the business fabric, at the moment .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco