Signed a collaboration agreement between the city of Torre-Pacheco and Hidrogea Company, to coordinate efforts to optimize the implementation of the Social Fund Hidrogea aimed at families in precarious economic situation.
The Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio Leon and CEO Hidrogea, Javier Ybarra, have signed a collaboration agreement for an amount of 12,000 euros to the municipality that no family suffers cuts in the supply of drinking water.
The current economic crisis has caused residents of our municipality in precarious economic situation can not pay the utility company the amount of potable water, sewage and garbage.
This fact being a concern for both the City Council and to Hidrogea, it has signed this agreement constitutes a formula for cooperation and coordination between the two sides.
Hidrogea Social Fund is aimed at customers in precarious economic situation.
The Department of Social Services will be responsible for studying and analyzing each request that reaches Hidrogea, providing the company with all necessary data so you can qualify for this social background.
The total amount available for granting aid is € 12,000, endowed by Hidrogea in a specific social fund for water supply in the municipality of Torre-Pacheco 2016.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco