The Plenum of Torre-Pacheco City Council has approved the implementation of a Regulation of Citizen Participation, detailing the commitment of the Consistory to citizens to encourage participation and transparency in local governance.
Councillor for Citizen Participation, Valentina Lopez Martinez, has determined that this regulation is intended to be a collaboration of many people, who individually or through various associations or groups, make their proposals and suggestions for the preparation;
for that we have held meetings in Torre-Pacheco, Roldán, Dolores de Pacheco, Balsicas, San Cayetano and El Jimenado, with strong participation and have formed two working groups with the aim of making proposals for these regulations.
This participatory process for the preparation of the regulation has been unanimously approved by the political groups represented in the municipal plenary.
Participation Councilwoman notes that "this is the first step in a broader process that will lead to the creation of other participatory initiatives including the development of participatory budgets".
This process will also perform a training day work, where experts participation through workshops attendees will work with the different content of the regulation.
Valentina Lopez Martinez indicates that one of the important points to be harvested in the Regulation will be the participation of citizens in the Municipal Council, allowing any person requesting it through the channels established, will have time in the plenary sessions and can direct questions or suggestions to the plenary.
Similarly, the procedure for the Citizens' Initiative will be regulated by establishing the procedure for conducting public consultations, and the rights and duties of neighbors are governed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco