The Cane Infomóvil and Enterprising, performances INFO to support and boost employment in the municipality of Torre-Pacheco.
Coinciding with the Festival of melon held today and tomorrow in Torre-Pacheco, the Department of Employment of the City, has organized various activities and actions to stimulate and advise entrepreneurs.
Throughout the morning the neighbors have been involved in the Infomóvil and the CANE EMPRENDEDORA.
The Info van is a small bus INFO that throughout the morning has been on the Town Hall Square, serving twenty users, who have received information and advice from technicians INFO.
The Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio Leon, accompanied by the Deputy Director of INFO, Juan Antonio Bernabe and members of the Municipal Corporation, visited the Infomóvil and learned first-hand, the actions taken and the profile of service users, which they have been mostly businessmen and entrepreneurs of the municipality.
The Performing Arts Center, hosted the "Cane Enterprising", an activity that is organized so that both the speakers and the guests are in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
After the opening by the Mayor of Torre Pacheco and INFO Deputy Director he has intervened Head of Entrepreneurs, Alvaro Armada.
The speakers made small interventions, standing in the audience, also giving prominence to the attendees who have participated presenting and exposing their concerns.
During the meeting have offered tastings, Estrella de Levante, has given away the audience with their beer, and the young apprentice cooks Municipal program Alimenta2 initiative Youth Guarantee, they have made a varied and delicious tapas having as an ingredient melon, for attendees to taste, while the activity is performed.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco