The Minister of Family and Equal Opportunities, Violante Thomas, along with the Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio Leon, visited the center of people over Roldan today and recalled that "the regional government promotes active and healthy aging, which promotes autonomy staff, integration and full participation "through program activities in the 17 centers of the Community, which have more than 100,000 members.
The Minister said that his department will continue to promote the value of aging and promoting intergenerational solidarity.
"It is essential to value everything that is done in these centers.
It is a group with great weight in society, so we will continue to promote the positive image of older people to ensure equal rights people, "he said.
The Department of Family and Equal Opportunities developed a comprehensive policy to support older people, covering social, cultural and human perspectives, based on the values ​​of respect, solidarity and the dignity of persons and guarantee the quality, equity and sustainability of the system.
Source: CARM