The Mayor of Torre-Pacheco, Antonio León, accompanied by the Councilor for Finance and Communication, Carlos Lopez received in the morning yesterday at the Consistory, the Acting Chief Commander of the Civil Guard Company of Torre-Pacheco, José Francisco Orts , that has been promoted and destined to the Headquarters V Zone of Murcia, after more than 5 years of service in Torre-Pacheco.
The first mayor has had words of gratitude for the work that the commander has performed for more than 5 years as head of the Company of Torre-Pacheco for the improvement of Citizen Security;
wishing you luck in this new role in which you will continue to watch over the company of Torre-Pacheco.
For his part, Orts thanked the Mayor, his words of recognition in the personal and professional, as well as the support from the City Council has always been given to the Civil Guard, stating that he faces a new stage in which he will continue working for the region of Murcia and Torre-Pacheco.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco