The Mayor of Torre-Pacheco, Antonio León, the municipal architect, Teresa Talaya, and the pedáneo mayor of San Cayetano, Francisca Martínez, visited the works that are being undertaken in the hamlet of San Cayetano, included in the Works and Services Plan 2017 (POS), co-financed by the Autonomous Community and the City Council of Torre-Pacheco, with an adjudication price of 42,106 euros.
The construction of new sidewalks, extension of the vehicle access road and access to roundabout access to San Cayetano, are the works that are being undertaken, given that they were in poor condition and specifically in Enrique García Álvarez street there were problems of accumulation of rainwater.
According to Talaya, "the urban nucleus was isolated pedestrians through pedestrian itineraries, getting and guaranteeing the conditioning of these pedestrian accesses through the construction of sidewalks, pedestrian crossings and necessary urban elements of signage, a pedestrian communication between all roads, neighborhoods and the public school of the population center of San Cayetano. "
A need, for the residents of San Cayetano, and a demand, according to Martínez, necessary, since the children did not have pedestrian access from the nucleus to the school.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco