The Department of Agriculture convened last March 21 to representatives of the sector related to Melon in all its fields, to a first meeting, to perform an analysis of the 2017 holidays, aspects to improve, and new ideas for the Festivals of Melon 2018. The meeting chaired by the Councilor for Agriculture, Alberto Galindo and the Councilor of Celebrations, Yolanda Castaño, was attended by the Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Antonio León, as well as businessmen, merchants, farmers, as well as people involved in the sector .
"This first contact has been very productive," says Galindo "since the foundations have been laid for what will be the next Fiestas del Melón, in addition, actions have been specified and what is undoubtedly the most important, the counting with the commitment of companies, hoteliers and farmers to work on setting up the next Fiestas del Melón in Torre Pacheco, with the aim of achieving the importance they had for the municipality a few years ago ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco