The Institute of Free Intelligence Foundation is a non-profit institution of national scope attached to the Protectorate of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Spain.
Among the projects developed by this Foundation is the Atmosphere Project, which researches and develops teaching / learning strategies and practices of linguistic innovation aimed at the emotional and motivational learning of a language.
Noemí Solano, president of the Foundation, explained that "from the Atmosphere Project has been launched in the municipality of Torre Pacheco a pilot research project with the aim of analyzing the relationship between the emotional, motivational and environmental factors involved in the linguistic processes related, mainly, with the linguistic dexterity of oral expression ".
The Councilor for Education, Conchi Martínez, stressed in his speech that the City of Torre Pacheco is committed to research, in this case a support for the work being done by the Free Intelligence Institute Foundation, which analyzes new forms of methodology at the time of teaching and learning, through the Atmosphere Project.
This study began in October 2017 and will end at the end of this month of March, and 20 students from Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario, from the third cycle of primary education, from 7 to 9 years old participate.
The project takes place at the Performing Arts Center of Torre Pacheco, outside school hours, once a week and with a duration of two hours per session.
In each of the sessions in which the study is distributed, socio-affective and cognitive strategies have been introduced, as well as innovative themes and methodologies, in order to measure and evaluate how the creation of an emotional Atmosphere of learning has a positive effect on the linguistic processes involved in the learning of a language and, especially, in the improvement of the linguistic dexterity of oral expression.
The results of this research, which will continue the next school year with a larger group of students, are transferred through the Public Centers of Teacher Training, through the training actions carried out by this Foundation in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Castilla La Mancha, Castilla León or Navarra, has explained;
Manuel Cebrian, director of the Foundation.
The president of the Foundation, thanked the collaboration of the City Council of Torre Pacheco through the Department of Culture and Education, as well as the school Ntra. Sra. Del Rosario;
highlighting the support of the Councilor for Education from the first moment of the start of the project.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco