This morning was held in Torre-Pacheco Local Safety Board, which has formed two working groups: Local Coordination Committee against Gender Violence and Police Coordination Board against Gender Violence.
The Local Coordination Committee Against Gender Violence is an instrument of work that represents all municipal officers involved in the fight against gender violence (Center Professional Care of Victims of Gender Violence - CAVI-technical equality, Primary Care Social Services, health resources, Local Police Forces and State Security, as well as educational and employment).
This tool will help promote work at the municipal level policies to eradicate gender violence by coordinating stakeholders, their activities and resources.
For this, the Local Coordination Committee set common criteria for the early detection and treatment of cases of domestic violence, will track them, analyze the data in each field and promote awareness and prevention strategies for general and specific.
Furthermore, the Bureau of Police Coordination Against Gender Violence is an instrument of coordination between those involved in the care and protection to women victims of gender violence.
Through this panel will develop a common action protocol, whose main objective is estrablecer basic criteria of collaboration and coordination related, lso optimizing existing human and material resources in both the Security Forces of the State and protection of victims of violence gender.
In the Local Security Board were present representatives of the City Council, Police, Regional Administration and Government Delegation
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco