The company "Theater of Disruption" co-directed by pachequero, Juan Rivas, and Elche, Monica Adam, has been choosen as the winner of the national call for "Teatrífico" framed in Madrid Gothic Week IV to represent their show "Jon Säter. Pact "on Friday, November 23 at 19:30 am in the Auditorium of Centro Cultural Conde Duque in Madrid.
"Jon Säter" is a collective based in research environments, ideas and feelings evoked by a text that, through the body and its movement and visual power, is transmuted to the scene.
The process of improvisation, a tool that combines with environments and sound effects, experimentation, play with objects and searching for different textures of movement.
It's a show where plastic eminently visual and sound merge to create in the viewer a world of sensations: the movement of the actors, the haunting sounds, light and shadow, colors, objects, and more.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco