This morning the city of Torre Pacheco has signed a collaboration agreement with the Regional Employment and Training (SEF).
These agreements facilitate the development of professional practices of unemployed people not working in township enterprises in the context of corporate social responsibility and to the stimulus of economic and environmental sustainability.
The City of Torre Pacheco is the first municipality in the Region of Murcia to sign such agreements with the SEF.
One of these agreements (non-working professional practices regulated by Royal Decree 1543/2011) is aimed at unemployed young people (aged 18 to 25 years) with a university, vocational or professional certificate without professional experience of more than 3 months.
These practices were developed under the supervision of a tutor and may last for 3-9 months.
Participants will develop a scholarship practices support (80% of Public Indicator of Multiple Effect Income - IPREM) around € 420 more inclusion in Social Security.
In this case you can do internships at the City of Torre Pacheco or any private company request and sign an agreement with the SEF.
While the other agreement (practices linked to the signing of agreements pertaining to mode 2, program 6 collected in the order of January 31, 2012) is aimed at people who have completed a training activity with the SEF and have not received training practice for that action.
The duration is 300 hours on a workday 3-8 hours in the morning and afternoon from Monday to Friday.
Students may receive a scholarship for attendance of 1.5 € per hour.
In the latter agreement the City will act as interlocutor, expediting the processing of applications for agreements between the SEF and businesses and companies sensor.
The agreements will be valid until December 31, 2013, being extended.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco