This morning we have given awards photo contest "Pride Grandmother / or" 2012, organized by the IMSAS through Senior Project during the month of October.
After the award ceremony was inaugurated the First Exhibition of Photography "Pride of Grandparents" in the center of Torre-Pacheco Day.
Both the contest and the photo exhibition are framed within the activities organized to commemorate the "European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations", whose main objective is to sensitize the population to develop a society for all ages promoting aging active and relationships among all generations.
In the photo contest seniors participated Torre Pacheco and its districts, so that the exposure has an itinerant character, all photographs submitted will be exhibited next year 2013 in all major centers in the municipality of Torre Pacheco.
The winners were the following:
- Award to Ms. Ros Antonia Martinez Senior Center Torre-Pacheco, for his photograph "The Runner".
- Award to Don.
Francisco Sanchez Buendía Day Center Roldán for his photograph: "Playing".
- Award to Don.
Leonardo Garcia Jimenez Senior Center The Jimenado for his photograph: "Working Together".
- Award to Ms. Francisca Sanchez Albaladejo Senior Center Dolores de Pacheco for his photograph: "Making pleita".
- Award to Don.
José Pérez Rock Senior Center San Cayetano for his photograph: "Tractor".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco