Yesterday afternoon the Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Daniel García Madrid visited the stand of the Association Prometheus Christmas (Parents Association of Physically Handicapped, mental and sensory) organized at the entrance of the Hospital Universitario de Los Arcos, which may find handicrafts made by users Occupational Center (mosaics, paintings, felt, calendars, Christmas cards, candles, Christmas centers ...).
The said stand is open until December 18.
In addition, the president of Prometheus, Sunday Albaladejo, took the occasion to inform people or companies that donate to PROMETEO entitled to deductions in income tax and corporation tax, as these benefits are contemplated for individuals as legal.
In the first months of the year, all donors receive donations called certificate, a document to be submitted in the Statement of Income and conferring the right to deduct 25% (35% in the case of companies) of donations.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco