On Tuesday, May 21, at 21 am, Young Socialists Torre Pacheco (Torre Pacheco JS) organized a talk on the Multipurpose Center on LOMCE Roldán and education cuts.
The talk will participate Antonio Viñao Frago, Professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Murcia, Francisco Cantero Dengra, Board member of FAPA-RM, Miguel and Alicia García Cánovas Lajarín Armero, representatives of students in the IES Sabina Mora Roldán.
The Secretary General of JS Torre Pacheco, Carlos López Martínez, has highlighted the danger of approval, last Friday, a new education law that, according to Lopez, "is a throwback to the system built by all for over thirty years of democracy, with the return of religion evaluable, the revalidation, gender segregation and the disappearance of internal democracy in schools. "
Lopez stressed that this Act "the PP again bow to the interests of the Episcopal Conference and the private religious school" and has claimed that "the right seeks to perpetuate LOMCE disadvantage which has placed the Public School with increasing ratios, lack of material and attacks on teachers. "
Organizing Secretary JS Torre Pacheco and member of the regional executive, Veronica Martinez, highlighted "the importance of bringing young people which means LOMCE and the implications for the present and the future of students," and noted that Torre Pacheco JS JSRM and continue to fight "against the new law because it is a cry of the educational community."
Source: JS Torre Pacheco