The Mayor of Torre Pacheco, Daniel García Madrid, reported by a decree of the new offices of the government team, given the progress of Maria Dolores Valcarcel, who currently holds the position of Director General of Schools in the Autonomous Community and the entry of José Saura Meroño the government team
After the remodeling done, these are the delegations of Municipal Government Team of the City of Torre-Pacheco:
- Juana M ª Madrid Saura: Area Executive Councillor for Finance, Budget and Economic Development
- Isidro Vivancos Ros: Councillor for Economic Development Services, Local Development, Tourism, Trade and New Technologies, Communication and Innovation.
- Francisco J.
Rosique Martinez: Councillor Services Agriculture, Water and Environment
- Ana Martínez Martínez, Executive Councillor for Employment Services, Education and Training
- Ricardo Martinez Meroño: Councillor Sports Services, Public Safety, Traffic and Civil Protection
- Santiago Meroño Leon Area Councillor for Urban Development and Environment
- Fine Marin Otto: Executive Councillor for Public Road Services, Works and Municipal Services, Municipal Public Building Maintenance, Parks and Gardens.
- Araceli Martínez Roca: Area Councillor of Education, Culture and Sports
- Concepción Sánchez Pérez: Area Executive Councillor for Social Welfare and Health
- Navarro embodies Iniesta: Executive Councillor Consumer Service, Equality and Coexistence and Citizen Volunteer
- José Saura Meroño: Councillor for Health Services and Decentralization
- Antonio Madrid Left: Councillor and Chair of the Department of Public
After this remodeling Local Government Board is composed by Antonio Madrid, Santiago Meroño, Araceli Martínez, Concepción Sánchez, Fine Marin, Isidro Vivancos, Juana M ª Madrid and the mayor.
The deputy mayors are:
Deputy Mayor: Antonio Madrid
Second Major: Santiago Leon Meroño
Third Deputy Mayor: Araceli Martinez
Fourth Deputy Mayor: Concepción Sánchez
Fifth Deputy Mayor: Juana M ª Madrid Saura
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco