"The Dance" by Edgar Neville is a production of The Vaudeville directed by Luis Olmos and hit the Performing Arts Center Torre-Pacheco (CAES) next Friday, December 5, at 21 am.
"Dancing" is starring Pepe Viyuela, Susana Hernandez and Carles Moreu.
This dance is a challenge.
It is a modern and courageous assembly, which retrieves a classic of our theater scene and takes it to a new and surprising way, with the intention of overcoming old prejudices.
It is a firm commitment to rigorous theater, we care deeply every detail.
Nothing in this dance is free: every sentence, details of the staging, direction and interpretation, have been carefully chosen to bring the viewer quality theater.
This dance is not intended recovery Dancing 1952, quite the contrary, aims to tell the time, the country and the theater that have elapsed from the time of its release -1952- until today, carrying the three temporal patterns the original three acts -1900 / 1925/1950 to the first half of the fifties, the late seventies and early twenty-first century (our time), and diversifying the only original spatial pattern -the room of the house in three places different.
Interested not only the continuum (the story) between the three times, including three acts, but wonder what happens between each of them.
In line with the three times we propose -inéditos in the tradition of the representation of the Dance, the three acts become three expressions of three theatrical modes and various comediográficos: the first act is a screwball comedy;
the second time we wanted approached by a melodrama "buero-vallejiano" and the terceroqueríamos be near Becket or Pirandello.
In any case essential -premisa Dance 1952, 2012 and within another twenty-five years is essential to preserve the mood, a mood different in each act.
This Baile it aims to sharpen, enhance the harmony between poetry and humor.
The ticket price is 15 € and can be purchased at the box office or Instanticket CAES (902 444 300 or www.instanticket.es)
Pepe Viyuela is Julian
Susana Hernández is Adela
Carles Moreu is Carlos
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco