Students of 1st ESO IES Sabina Mora visit the Health Center West Torre-Pacheco Antonio Cózar within ARGOS activities under the program.
In Thursday's session IES 150 young Sabina Mora visited the Health Center Torre-Pacheco, activity framed in the ARGOS program, organized by the Department of Social Services and Equality in cooperation with the Schools and Health Centers Municipality.
Young besides working previously in the classroom, they have moved along with faculty to the Health Center, where they could visit an exhibition on the theme, and took part in a workshop where workers makes them reflect and clarify ideas about alcohol, from the professional point of view.
With the objectives of providing sufficient, accurate, not alarmist information adapted to their age on the effects of alcohol consumption, with particular attention to social myths built around alcohol;
and raise awareness of the risks associated with their consumption, such as driving, teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, the effects on the body especially women, in addition to other risks, young people participate in this program, and It has been developing since 2013.
During this school year the ARGOS program will reach more than 600 students from 6 schools in the municipality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco