The Director General of Public Administration, Javier Iniesta, opened today, with the mayor of Torre Pacheco, Daniel García Madrid, the new Garden of Fatima of the town, recently completed a work which has received a grant of 175,000 euros from the Ministry of Presidency and Public Administration for its implementation.
The garden is located on a plot of 1,600 square meters located between the streets of the Gilas Camino, José Plans and Jaime Bort, near the Rambla and the district of San José Obrero.
The total budget for the work amounted to 229,354 euros and has involved the reorganization of a busy urban area and used by the residents, so we now have a wooded area and playground, among other things.
Javier Iniesta explained that the name of the garden was elected by a popular initiative more than a hundred residents of the area.
Source: CARM