The Ministry of Public Works and Planning, through the Directorate General of Highways, will invest a total of 1,629,624 euros in the packaging of the RM-F21 road, linking the hamlet Torre Pacheco in Murcia Los Martínez Port.
As explained by the general director of Roads, Jose Guijarro, "with these works, the Ministry will proceed to the elimination of a Tranche accident concentration in a way that serves an area of heavy traffic and economic activity, which tracks traffic to a million vehicles per year. In addition, residents of the area will be improved road communications and the increased comfort and security when traveling. "
This route features a path with tight bends that runs counter point by large numbers of vehicles due to agricultural industries in the area and the Centre for Transport of Goods in the hamlet of Roland pachequera.
Thus, the conditioning performance of MR-F21 will improve a road that provides access to the populations of Torre Pacheco, Los Martínez del Puerto and Roland with one of the major roads in the region such as the Highway A-30.
The project, which is currently under recruitment, provides for the remodeling of the layout and the existing intersections, providing them with central lane left turn and speed change lanes for right turns, that will change the way in intersections.
Also, through the works, will fit the layout and firm way to avoid potential problems out of the driveway and vehicle access will be ordered to improve road safety in the area and prevent future accidents.
Source: CARM