The reform of the CMO in fruit and vegetables, the role of genomics for the development of varieties resistant to pathogens and marketing of this product have been the central themes of this conference.
About 400 people, including producers, traders, breeders and other actors linked to the world of melon have gathered in the 'Melon II Technical Conference', which have developed this morning in the Performing Arts Center (ASRC) the municipality of Torre Pacheco Murcia within events organized to mark the 'Melon Festival 2009'.
The opening ceremony of this conference has been attended by the Director General for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the Autonomous Region of Murcia and chairman of the Assembly of European Regions Horticultural (AREFLH), Joaquín Maestre Albert, who has had words of congratulations to the newly created Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Melon de Torre Pacheco, born, as explained, "through the joint efforts of the entire sector."
In this regard, Master has stressed that the PGI, "which is nothing more than a guarantee of quality, provides greater consumer confidence, knowing that this is a high quality product that will fully satisfy their expectations of purchase" .
For his part, President of the Regulatory Council of the IGP Melon de Torre Pacheco, Juan Peñalver, highlighted the large crowds gathered around these days, which, in its view, "is to demonstrate the industry's interest such initiatives, which aim at providing a meeting point and forum for discussion among the various actors related in one way or another, with the world of melons. "
In addition, Peñalver wanted to thank the various institutions and companies for their collaboration for the birth and development of the IGP Melon de Torre Pacheco.
As he pointed out "all have turned to this exciting initiative and it was through this support that the IGP is the reality today is."
In similar terms the mayor has said Torre Pacheco, Daniel García Madrid, has appreciated the efforts of the entire sector in the various events that make up the 'Fiestas del Melon', at the same time praised the "comprehensive" program of days, offering presentations with topics of today and, what is even more important, "with direct implications in the daily activities of professionals in the melon."
The campaign begins trading without rules
The new CMO Fruit and Vegetables has focused presentation by Director General for the CAP, Joaquín Maestre, who has not hesitated to assert that, after a year of entry into force of this new regulation, "the results have been somewhat disappointing" .
So, Master Albert explained that, "perhaps by excessive bureaucracy," Community law has failed to increase the total number of producer organizations, or the size of them, neither has managed to begin to use management crisis.
This raises an uncertain future, according to Master Albert, who pointed out that not reach the 60% concentration scheduled for 2013.
The president of the AREFLH in his speech underlined the tremendous uncertainty due to the elimination, by the European Commission of the marketing standards of many fruits and vegetables, including cantaloupe.
Thus, according to the regulation adopted in Brussels on 13 December, "the July 1 melon disappear standard we know today, which will not have any reference for defining what is first rate, Extra, etc. ., "he underlined.
Genomics for the collection, naturally, varieties resistant to pathogens
Melon genomics has been one of the topics discussed during the Technical Conference.
Thus, research professor of CEBAS, Miguel Aranda Regules, gave a presentation on 'Genomics melon.
What it is and possible applications for the development of varieties resistant to pathogens. "
Regules Aranda has stressed the need to differentiate between genomics and transgenic melon, "which are two things that have nothing to do."
In this sense, CEBAS investigator stressed that "the melon genome research intends to continue doing what it had been doing so far, but knowing how and why things are done."
Ultimately, and as explained in his speech Regules Aranda, genomics provides new insights to the process of varietal improvement of melon, because it allows the discovery of genes, the identification of markers closely linked and the discovery of pathogens that affect this crop.
The last lines of research in genomics seek, in a totally natural, breeding new varieties of product, according to the demands of consumers, with greater resistance to pathogens.
In addition, another interesting field is the power of water stress resistance of these new varieties, as explained above.
The conference also focused their attention on the commercial sector.
Thus, in the round table 'Marketing melon' have involved different actors in this process, as the CEO of Grupo El Arbol, Juan Pascual, the manager-owner of Gourmet Gold, Luis Pacheco Torres, and the director general of Export Kernel , José Antonio Cánovas, which have provided the vision of a great chain, a small business and a producer on this process.
Delivery 'Golden Melon' and reading of the opening
In the Region spend a total of 6,000 hectares to the cultivation of melons, which cast a production of around 223,000 tons, representing 21% of total national production.
Thus, the region is a major watermelon producing areas in our country, surpassed only by Castilla-La Mancha and Andalusia, and that only in the Campo de Cartagena, melon turnover of around 135 million euros.
The 'Festival of the Melon' continue tonight and tomorrow.
In particular, among the acts scheduled delivery notes '2009 Golden Melon' the farmer José Ros Agrimesa Jorquera and Company and the reading of the proclamation, to be held next Saturday and is payable by the Minister of Education, Training and Employment Constantine Sotoca.
Source: IGP Melón de Torre Pacheco