On the evening of Tuesday April 27, Local Police and Public Safety Task Force (GOSC) belonging to the local police in Torre-Pacheco, arrested Don.
AE, 28 years old, and Mr. JL, 21, both of Moroccan origin, on suspicion of a crime against public health, particularly drug trafficking, being caught with narcotics trafficking along with a known industrial area of town.
These and other actions taken by the local police in Torre-Pacheco is the result of an operation of public safety established by the Security Department, such as preventing the commission of such crimes in the municipality of Torre Pacheco.
The police operation that eventually led to the arrest of two people for an alleged crime of drug trafficking, was launched as a collaborative effort that Torre-Pacheco citizens have with their local police.
The information provided to the local police allowed people who could develop a plan for policing in the area.
The facts alleged crime took place in a suburb of Torre-Pacheco, called The Morrastelas.
Detainees in this area carried out the sale of drugs, mainly hashish, to customers, whereas after concert by phone, trading volume and price to be paid.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Torre Pacheco